
Showing posts from September, 2020

How To Read More

A question I've been asking myself for quite some time after I nearly quit reading for a few years. I had barely any time with work and somehow every book I picked up it didn't feel good enough to finish. It was me though, not the books. *laughs*  I was completely hooked again a few months ago after starting Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard. A romantic novel I'll hopefully post a review on here soon so no spoilers for now. Anyway I was back to my "book eating". I finished a book a day and was so happy to be back to reading more again. One question is remaining though.  How can I read more?    Well being sick for the third week in a row due to my back, I had a lot of time reading. I finished some books I had started ages ago. I'm trying to get a routine again and get a balance between reading and writing again. So here are my strategies I'm trying to use to read more these days. 1) TBR-pile One thing I hear every time in the book community is the w...

Job Offer - but not one I expected

Last Friday I was at the show of a friend. He's the one I often write about on Twitter when we head to dinner and the one who sings and is working with light and audio technique on big shows etc. I often help him with his shows and I also did on New Years Eve. He got himself a new professional camera then and I had the honor of doing one of two cameras that night. When 2020 didn't look that bad of a year.  Well last Friday he had a tiny show with some friends and I promised I'd show up. Due to my back problems I wasn't any help at all but it was nice seeing him. Although I swear wearing a mask in a stuffier room is no fun for nearly 4h *laughs* Anyway I had a talk with his dad's friend - nice older guy who's supporting his firm and him. He got me outside to talk because he said he had something important to tell me.  First he got me 100 bucks for helping all the time with the show and I was surprised. Then he told me that he got the film from New Year to a guy w...

[book review] Carolyn Denman - Songlines

. After a month I finally finished Songlines by Carolyn Denman. And I've one word: brilliant! But let me first tell you how it came to me reading this.  Big shoutout to the wonderful @OdysseyBooks on Twitter for sending me the e-book to read. They are a small publishing house in New Zealand and support new and unknown authors. If you want please visit their Twitter under mentioned @ above, or their website .  I started to read it and loved it immediately but you all know that I truly struggle with time at the moment since I'm working 7-days a week now. Luckily I'm sick for the second week (back problems) and I finally managed to continue with some books I had started. Also Songlines . I read it in one sitting yesterday and I'm curious of how the story will continue since there are 3 more books at the moment of "The Sentinels of Eden" series by Carolyn Denman.  Carolyn Denman grew up in Melbourne and completed  a Bachelor of Science at the U...