How To Read More

A question I've been asking myself for quite some time after I nearly quit reading for a few years. I had barely any time with work and somehow every book I picked up it didn't feel good enough to finish. It was me though, not the books. *laughs* 

I was completely hooked again a few months ago after starting Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard. A romantic novel I'll hopefully post a review on here soon so no spoilers for now. Anyway I was back to my "book eating". I finished a book a day and was so happy to be back to reading more again. One question is remaining though. 

How can I read more?   

Well being sick for the third week in a row due to my back, I had a lot of time reading. I finished some books I had started ages ago. I'm trying to get a routine again and get a balance between reading and writing again. So here are my strategies I'm trying to use to read more these days.

1) TBR-pile
One thing I hear every time in the book community is the word "TBR" pile/cart/... 
I finally manged to make one (see pic above). Usually I just grab a book from one of my shelves but I thought it would be worth a try to sort what to read next. As I said, it's worth a try.
Currently on my TBR (pic above) are 4 books I started and the new Strike novel Troubled Blood

2) fixed reading times
I'm also trying to get some fixed time to read on a daily basis. Even if it's just an hour. When I've time and reading is going well, I'll surely won't interrupt myself.
I'm trying with 8pm at the moment since it's in the evening and also a possibility after work on Saturday's / Sunday's. 
I'm trying to start from Monday on so if you want to join me, feel free to comment on this post or DM me on Twitter. 

3) DNF books
I usually don't do this so it's not really DNFing. But I decided I'll put the book away if I don't enjoy it and maybe come back to it some other time. I have the feeling that not enjoying a book at the moment, is definitely keeping me away from reading more. So I'll DNF it when I don't enjoy it and try some other time and hope that this strategy will help. 

So far this is my only plan to try and read more. I really do hope it helps and if you guys have more tips and tricks, I'd love to hear about them.


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