[book-review] Jodie Ellen Malpas - The Resurrection (Unlawful Men #3)

I was happy to receive The Resurrection - book 3 in the Unlawful Men Series - as ARC by Valentine PR
and finished it in 10h after receiving it. You can say that it captured me from beginning to end and even after a week, I'm still thinking about it. 
Thank you so much to Valentine PR for this ARC and making my week with it. 

Because true pain only comes from loving someone.

To be honest, The Resurrection was my most anticipated read this month and I wanted it from the moment I read that it was out on January, 25th. 

If you haven't pre-ordered it now, feel free to do so. :) 

What I really loved was that it had four different POVs, which made it really interesting and illuminated the whole story from all perspectives: Danny, Rose, James and Beau. Also all my favourite side characters were back as well which made it even more amazing. 

My favourite part of all this where the chapters with Danny and James. Them fighting the bad guys together. Laughing and getting crazy over their women who apparently talk. ;) (Of course we do! What's a best friend for after all?)
Danny and James working together is everything I ever wished for. Rose and Beau together was just a brilliant bonus in this since I love all of them equally.

To the women who make us nervous.
- Cheers.

The book itself starts exactly where The Enigma left off and I loved it. A bit of time off for Danny and James before going back to Miami, hunting down their biggest enemy "The Bear"and meanwhile various side plots and wonderful moments... Also dangerous ones.

Some parts where quite obvious in my opinion - no examples because I don't want to spoil anything for everyone who hasn't read the book yet - but despite that, I still loved those moments immensely, that also made the whole book more intense, which made it even more enjoyable.

Like the whole series The Brit and The Enigma are both very intense. As killer. Also as lover, and because of that, we go some more amazing moments with their loved ones and friends. I'm still not over the fact that James actually did THAT. (You all will know the scene I mean when you read it. ;) )

Now to our girls. Beau and Rose. Both strong and broke in their own ways. Both shattered by the events of the story and despite some prejudices at first, both become good friends who once more kick their men's butt if necessary, drive them nuts and love them fiercely. I loved their chapters probably as much as I did Danny and James'. 

The Brit fucking dunked The Enigma.

I also loved the ending. Oh my God, it actually broke my heart and fixed it in one go before it broke it again.
Only JEM manages to do that over and over. During  the whole book. During all her books. And that's why I love her stories so much.
I'm always on the edge on my seat.
Crying. Shouting. Laughing. And I'm loving every damn moment of it.

I read a lot of her books already. The This Man Series, The Protector etc, but the Unlawful Men Series might be my absolute favourite of her so far.
A masterpiece that's dark and thrilling, cute and loving, direct and intense.

And there's a special surprise at the end of The Resurrection you might not expect. 

With James around, I probably wouldn't need to get my hands dirty ever again. But.... well, I liked getting my hands dirty.


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