[bookreview] Jodie Ellen Malpas - This Woman (Jesses POV #1)


I'm finally starting to write this review (altho I'm not fully through yet bc life) so I won't forget stuff while listening to the audiobook. 

To be honest I'm still massively excited that Jesses POV is finally out in the world! I have to admit that I love Jodies Original Man a lot! But to my shame I have to admit, that I only fell really hard for him in With This Woman (book 4 and his POV) *hides behind sofa* 

Yes I know! I know y'all loved him way before that probably. And i did too, don't get me wrong, but is POV just made me fall hard and without going back. 

I started this audiobook when it came out but since I'm always so busy and like to concentrate on my books I listen to, it often takes me a while to get there and finish it. So now... Life is kinda busy atm with being sick and planning a holiday we just came back from. We were in London during the Coronation and it was rather busy but also a lot of fun! But back now to the book...

“Just tell me one thing before you leave, Ava. How loud do you think you’ll scream when I fuck you?”

The prologue already destroyed me! How can she do this to us! The sadness! The happiness we had for a moment! Jake!!! *cries* 

Then the moment he meets Ava... My god! I always liked Avas POV but sometimes she was just pissing me off with her constant running - turns out he thinks the same about her. But seeing him being  this affected by her! His quite irrational - sometimes - thoughts about just wanting and needing her! I think this truly is the thing you call "love at first sight" and it is incredible to see it. To see his life change with him just wanting to stay with her. Doing all to make her his. *melts*

You might think that this book is just a simple and plain re-telling about them meeting. Same story, different words but it is not. It is of course their story, but it also is so much more! We finally find out more about his business. His past. His thoughts. And by God, his thoughts is what I live for! And his relationship between John is just beautiful. Give me more of that boy because I adored John since book one! 

And then there's the first time... The first time he has her in his bathroom. My God. I always loved that scene, but his thoughts are quite exquisite. The moment he says to her that she is his if they do this, I just died a little inside. Because that's also the moment - without him realising it himself yet - you know that he can't be without her anymore. 

Also him driving in this is just hilarious. I mean dear God, just slow down! You'll kill yourself or get a heart attack with being this anxious and furious with her! But thankfully he still has the boys that support him and I just love his realtionship with Drew and Sam is beautiful and it was great to see these two a bit more as well.

“Ava, you should know that once I’ve had you, you’re mine.”

 I'm halfway through with the audiobook (the narration by Sean East is once more glorious!) and I hope I can finish it soon and then I will finish this review fully. But for now have my first thoughts on this book and please - if you loved the This Man Series by Jodie - go and pick up Jesse's POV, you won't regret it at all! 

(to be continued... ) 


Once more being sick due to some health issues, cleared my schedule and gave me room to read like 5 books in the last week. I also finished This Woman today and by God, it's so amazing!

As I said before, it is the same story as This Man Series but damn it's so different still! I absolutely loved his thoughts - even though he can be an irrational idiot sometimes - and yet I even fell harder for him with this. We clearly - over the whole book - see his fears, his hopes, his past. I also loved that we got more of the boys (Drew, Sam) and of John. Always adored John and seeing his friendship to Jesse, even if it's also fatherly, is just so amazing. I do hope we get even more of that in the next book! 

Once more back to his driving. I was in London (twice this year) and by God I'm still laughing. That man must have a hell of speeding tickets and parking tickets because of how he drives. *giggles* 

What I truly loved where the flashbacks in this. Either with his brother or Rosie - both painful, yes but so good to have a look into his past! I also hope we get more of these. More of Rosie and Carmichael (yes I really wanna read more about him; maybe he's worth a small spin-off?? *eyes Jodie*) 

I absolutely broke at the ending (first of all I forget that Ava was there while he was drunk?? Like I read This Man ages ago and it just slipped my mind) and reading it again just fucking broke me into pieces. He's so hurt. He's so done with everything and his thoughts... *cries*

As usual I won't spoil anymore, but just pick it up! Pick it up and read this series if you loved This Man. Pick it up and read it, even though (like me) if you only fell for Jesse after book 4 - With This Man. Go and pick it up! You'll love our Lord even more after this, than before.

Full on 5 stars for this and I'm so excited for book 2 - With This Woman - coming out in Autumn.

“I don't want to be pencilled in anywhere, pencil can be erased.”


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