How To Read More

A question I've been asking myself for quite some time after I nearly quit reading for a few years. I had barely any time with work and somehow every book I picked up it didn't feel good enough to finish. It was me though, not the books. *laughs* I was completely hooked again a few months ago after starting Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard. A romantic novel I'll hopefully post a review on here soon so no spoilers for now. Anyway I was back to my "book eating". I finished a book a day and was so happy to be back to reading more again. One question is remaining though. How can I read more? Well being sick for the third week in a row due to my back, I had a lot of time reading. I finished some books I had started ages ago. I'm trying to get a routine again and get a balance between reading and writing again. So here are my strategies I'm trying to use to read more these days. 1) TBR-pile One thing I hear every time in the book community is the w...